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All Asian American women become great role models for future generations.


To empower YOU as an Asian American woman to have the courage to speak up and stand up in your own power!
Possessing qualities of honor, freedom, and choice.

Being heard, seen, and valued.

Creating a worthy legacy to pass on to your children. And that's only the beginning. 

You will know and accept who you are ... your value ... with pride!

Asian Women of Power is the ONLY coaching company that utilizes an innovative, proven, 5-step system for Asian American women across North America who want to speak up, stand up, and show up powerfully and confidently in an era where so many are confused about their true identity, and do not feel heard, seen, and respected.

Kimchi Chow is the Founder & CEO of Asian Women of Power, and the Host of Asian Women of Power podcast.

She empowers Asian women leaders to fully integrate Eastern and Western cultures in their life, business and professional career through private coaching and group training. Her mission is to inspire Asian women to speak their truth, stand up for their rights, and show up for what they believe in powerfully and confidently, and create a life that they love with joy and harmony. She wants to transform the Asian culture to create equality for women at home and at work.

Kimchi was born and raised in Vietnam and immigrated to America 40 years ago. She is a strong advocate for first and second-generation immigrants. She has a diverse background, from working in high tech jobs to owning a business franchise and participating in investment and trading. She also has extensive knowledge and training in leadership, personal development, emotional healing, and certifications in coaching. Kimchi knows what it takes to be successful, happy, and fulfilled in life.

Kimchi is active in several non-profit organizations for Asian Americans, women, and API-x groups.

What Is The Key To Happiness?

A successful career? A loving family? A perfect work-life balance?

How do we define success in life?

These are the questions I have been asking myself for most of my life.

Hello, My Name is Kimchi Chow

I was born and raised in Vietnam and was greatly influenced by my mother, who was my role model as a businesswoman and working mother.

I learned the value of wealth and understood that hard work can build a better life for me and my family.

I understood early on that you need money and power to have privilege and respect.  This is an old Asian perspective, which might not be true today in America.

So, I was determined to build wealth with the hope of leaving a legacy for my children, in the meantime gaining respect from society.

Is Marriage The Answer To A Happy Life?

My parents’ marriage was not a good example of loving unconditionally, mutual respect, and romance.

So I grew up not knowing that those are ingredients for a successful and lasting marriage.

After Vietnam fell to the Communist regime, my family and I fled to the United States. When we settled in America, I watched my parents work extremely hard to build a new life for the nine of us.

Are Parents God?

In Asian families, parents and grandparents are viewed as Gods at home. Nothing they do are wrong, at least in their children’s eyes.

At home, my father was always critical in his comments, chastising us about how we were dirty, useless, and stupid. He also didn’t respect my mother, treating his wife as a second-class citizen.

This type of behavior isn’t considered abusive in most Asian countries and might be acceptable as a traditional approach to parenting, but to me, it felt unfair.

Why Am I Not Happy In My Marriage?

Seven years into my marriage, with two young children, I was struggling in my own marriage. I no longer felt the passion in our relationship.

There were many issues between us that weren’t addressed, and because of that, our conversations were short and superficial.

It was hard for me to express my true feelings to my spouse and to ask for what I wanted without feeling ashamed about my attitudes and behaviors, due to my Asian culture and expectation of a wife/mother/daughter in-law.

All I wanted during that period of my life was to feel heard, seen, and appreciated by my husband.

For more than two decades, I searched for the answer to this question “If I had everything, why wasn’t I happy?

I Looked Everywhere For An Answer

I joined several Buddhist study groups to learn more about how to be a Buddhist fellow and to understand the law of karma.

I took multiple weekend courses in relationships, partnerships, and personalities so that I could understand and communicate better with my spouse.

I invested time, and money in several year-long programs in self-improvement, leadership, and wealth creation.

As a result, I found the answer, so I pursued a coaching career and got certified as the Law of Attraction Life Coach with the Quantum Success Academy in 2013.

My Discoveries

With each course and program, I learned that the key to happiness was both complex and simple.

If we know our values & principles and we do the things or act in the ways that align with those values & principles, we will be happy and at peace.

And when our actions or behaviors don’t align with our values & principles, we feel conflicted. This misalignment will trigger anxiety and anger in us, and we feel like we don’t belong here/there or anywhere we go.

I Tried Something Simple And It Changed My Life.


If I Had Known Then What I Know Now…

I would have had 30 more years of happiness and joy.

I would have experienced fewer sorrows, fewer headaches, and heartaches.

I would save a lot of money from emotional buying, or emotional decision-making to show my worth.

This is why I want to share my knowledge and skills with you through my coaching.

Now Is The Time.

Why spend another day, week, month or year in misery and unproductive life?

Book a Discovery Call with me today if you find yourself in one of the following situations:

  • Feeling stuck in your marriage and wanting to get a reboot/recharge in your relationship so that you can grow old together.
  • Don’t feel seen, heard, or respected in your family, especially when you are with your Asian parents.
  • Feeling that you missed many opportunities for career advancement because you are afraid to speak up and stand up in important meetings, or whenever your boss is present.
  • Feeling lost or not belonging anywhere.

With more than 38 years of marriage and two adult children, I had experience in multiple careers and industries. I am confident that I would be a good guide for you, to give you practical knowledge and skillsets so that you have the courage to face all the challenges that arise in your life.

In the end, you will know that you have lived your life fully.

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