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Return To The Ancient Wisdom

With Dr. Catherine Sy Luib

Published on: Sep 14, 2018

Some Asian people try too much to be like American. They focus more on the outside and on the brand. They focus on the materialistic and they don’t care about the values or the culture. Dr. Catherine Sy Luib practices both chiropractic and acupuncture. Her mission at the Luib Health Center is to help as many people live a healthier and optimal life. They offer chiropractic and acupuncture integrated with traditional Chinese medicine, herbs and supplements to provide a holistic treatment that’s tailor-based for every patient. Catherine believes the integration of the ancient wisdom of age-old medicinal practices into modern biomedical technology results in a better way to serve her patients’ overall health, need and well-being.

Return To The Ancient Wisdom with Dr. Catherine Sy Luib

Life is unpredictable and it can often feel impossible to find a balance between what you want and what you have. Perhaps you are feeling trapped or constrained because of your cultural boundaries. Whatever the case, I’m glad you’re here with me. Our guests all have similar backgrounds and traits. Like me, they have found a way to create a life which gives them the freedom, power and choice to be who they want to be while still respecting their culture. Our guest now is no different.

Dr. Catherine Sy Luib was born and raised in Cebu City, Philippines. She is a dual licensed chiropractor and acupuncture physician of Luib Health Center in California. She serves the mental, emotional, and physical health needs of the communities around her. She is also a host on her radio show, Ask the Doctor, and also a frequent contributor for several magazines. One unique thing that Dr. Cat had done was managing the Acupuncture at Sea program with the Celebrity and Royal Caribbean Cruise Line. I’m excited to learn more about her journey. Dr. Catherine, I’m happy to have you here. Take us back to your childhood when you were living in the Philippines. What was your life like? Who or what has shaped you to become the person you are today?

Thank you, first of all, for having me. This is a great opportunity in which I can share more about myself. To answer your questions, I was born in Cebu City. I had the happiest childhood. I was born as a surprise because of the fact that my parents both did not know that I had a twin. When my mother was coming into the hospital, they only heard one heartbeat. On the day of the delivery, they were very surprised to find that there were two of us. Surprised the whole world, that’s how we came. I would say what has molded and shaped me or inspired me even to be the woman that I am now has been a lot of people, but one of them would be, in my earliest memory, my mom.

The reason why I say my mom is because when we were in elementary, my father was already in New York. He had immigrated to work and only about a year after was able to petition the family. While my father was away, I didn’t understand what was happening. I knew that dad was away and mom did a lot of the work. She was a busy working woman. Even when it came time to being there at home, it was me and two other siblings at that time. I remember how hard working my mom was and that’s one of my earliest memories that has helped me and shaped me to be the woman I am today.

Ancient Wisdom: I remember how hard working my mom was. That’s one of my earliest memories that helped me and shaped me to be the woman I am today.

What brought you to America? 

Initially, I had no idea what America was. All I knew was the Philippines and the life therein. When my mom told me that the whole family was going to move to America, I had no idea what she meant. At that time, I didn’t have much of a consciousness. It was eat, play, school. Being closer to dad was a good thing. I didn’t have much choice in it. When we all immigrated, I remember that from a very hot tropical weather, we had our coats on immediately when we stepped out from the airport in New York. It was cold and snowing and I was in for an adventure. I had no idea what snow was. I didn’t even know what cold temperature was. We immigrated because our father brought the whole family to live in New York and join him.

How old were you at that time?

I was about six, seven years old and it was about 1992.

Did you face any challenges growing up here as an immigrant? What makes you turn your life around if you had any challenge? 

When I moved to New York, I was completely immersed in a culture that was foreign to me. If you had to describe it, a culture shock. I saw a lot of people, different colors. I had to finally learn how to speak English 24/7. When my sisters and I would come together with other Filipino children and we would speak in our national language, my public school teachers would correct us and say, “You’re in America now, speak English.” I was always corrected because it was hard for me to transition from speaking every day with our birth language to speaking English. At one point, learning English in the Philippines in elementary was something that I thought was just for fun or a hobby because we never spoke English to other people. Now having to use it on a daily basis in school, it was a bit of a challenge for me, for my brain to transition from one language to the other.

That was elementary. Another thing that I experienced was a lot of the children who would call names and say stereotypes about being Chinese or having chinky eyes. A lot of the bullying too was something that I experienced and I was always confused about it because in my mind I was thinking, “I’m such a nice person. What did I ever do to them?” I would think to myself, “I’m Filipino. Why do they keep calling me Chinese? Don’t they know the difference?” I was feeling a lot of frustration during that period because I thought to myself that we don’t look Chinese, we’re Filipino but yet we got called that and it was out of spite. It was bullying. It wasn’t anything to be, in any way, technically right. They wouldn’t even call us the right appropriate terms.

I remember that in middle school and in high school, I would say it melted off. I started getting better assimilated into the American culture. I always stuck to my roots though. In high school, I found myself in leadership for Filipino clubs. I was always finding myself engaging with Filipinos who just came from the motherland. I would take it upon myself to introduce myself, to show them around the school, make them feel welcome. In high school, that’s the time that personalities start changing. Your identity starts to change as well. Your peers, your peer groups make a difference. In high school, there were two different types of Filipinos. The cool Filipinos and the not so cool Filipinos.

At that time in high school, the cool Filipinos were more of the children who were born here. They weren’t connected to the motherland, the language or the culture, and yet they took great pride in being Filipino even though they didn’t know what being Filipino meant. They were very into the brands. The way that they wore their clothes was very much branded. If you didn’t have those expensive designer clothes or those big brands, those well-known brands, you weren’t cool enough in their eyes. Oftentimes, the people who were in that category were the ones who just came from the motherland. They spoke the language, lived the culture, and were the ones having a hard time transitioning. They would get made fun of as fresh off the boat. I felt so compelled to reach out to them and befriend them and show them around and make them feel welcomed. I frowned upon the cool Filipino kids because they weren’t genuine, they weren’t authentic. The ones that were authentic, were made fun of.

There are still those generations and those types. You can see there are some Asian people who are trying to be like American. They focus more on the outside and on the brand. They focus on being materialistic. They don’t care about the values or the culture. Some are so old time. They are here but they are not here emotionally and mentally. I noticed there are definitely two or three types of immigrants who live here. Who or what inspired you to become a chiropractor and an acupuncture? Which one started first? 

Interestingly enough, I went into chiropractic because of an injury to my neck. This was done by a friend at that time who was rough playing. He gave me a whiplash. For a while, I was thinking that it will go away. For one month, I suffered pain. I had to finally tell my parents. I did not tell them for a month because I was fearful that I would get in trouble or I would get that friend at that time in trouble. When I did, that’s when they recommended me to our family chiropractor and he happened to be a Filipino. After several visits with him, I improved and I was amazed. That was around the time of the end of high school.

I was trying to figure out what I wanted to do in terms of profession or career. I had no idea. However, I felt that with my journey in healing, I got curious about what this whole chiropractic thing was. I then went into looking up more about it and I was so pleased to find out that it was a unique profession. One of the only ones that have its own arts, science and philosophy. I would attribute my being a chiropractor today from the reference or the referral of that Filipino chiropractor, Dr. Derek Legom. As far as being an acupuncturist, it happened where that very school he referred me to was offering a program for the traditional Chinese medicine. Being that I do carry Chinese ancestry, I wanted to pay homage and bring a lot of favor. I wanted to please my Chinese ancestry. I went into that and it was something where I never looked back. I graduated with both and have been very happy practicing both complementing each other.


Ancient Wisdom: Chiropractic is a unique profession and one of the only ones that has its own arts, science, and philosophy.

Who’s Chinese in your family? 

On my mother’s side is the Chinese. My father’s side is the Spaniard. On my mother’s side, it was her grandfather who was 100% Chinese. I would say I have 10% or so, but people confused me though. They see that I’m a little bit darker skin tone than a typical Chinese who may have lighter skin tone, but my eyes, my feature, I still have some Chinese features. I do often get confused for Chinese, even among my own Filipino people.

Some people could not tell which country I’m from, “Are you Korean? Are you Japanese? Are you a Chinese?” I said, “No, I am Vietnamese.” Somewhere from the beginning, we are all tied together. As you notice in the future, I don’t know if you have ever been exposed to face reading. If you look carefully sometimes at a married couple, they look alike. They have some very close features and I noticed that too. It’s like one of the person is Asian and the other one is American, but the Asian one has some feature of the American one when they get married. I was like, “No wonder they find each other.” It’s very interesting. What is Telemedicine? 

Telemedicine is the ability to offer care through the use of the phone or through the internet. What that is with Luib Health Center, we offer Telemedicine for patients who cannot get to our office. These were out of town or up to Northern California. We are based in San Diego. If they are out of state or even out of the country, we just have to plan for the right time that we can meet. Essentially, we go over their health and we still have them do their patient forms, questionnaires, as they would in the office. Then we would tailor based on their history, signs and symptoms and some of their health goals, how they would like us to partner with them and achieve those health goals. Then we would formulate protocols whether that is nutritional or herbal medicinal and we ship it to them. This is a great thing in terms of modern medicine. With the rise of technology, we’re able to help more people even if they’re not able to come into the office.

It’s focused more on the nutritional, not the treatment itself. It’s not like using chiropractic adjustment. 

Since we cannot have them in the office, we would do distance healing via Energetics. As far as nutrition and herbs, that’s mainly what we can do more for them and tailor it and ship those medicinal or therapeutics to their convenient location.

You do an instant energy healing. 

Energy healing is a big part. Within the understanding of traditional Chinese medicine, we work with Energetics and the use of needles is one way to stimulate the Chi flow that’s traveling in the Meridian system. That’s what’s very unique to Chinese medicine. In addition though, we have other modalities like Tai Chi and Qigong. These are the exercises that helped to further Chi flow and breathing techniques. In terms of energy, everything essentially is energy. Even having the intention is something that can affect the person even from a distance.

That’s wonderful that you are exploring different modalities so that you can serve your client better.

In fact, shortly we will be offering indigenous medicine from the Philippines to our office and this being, Hilot. I had such a profound awakening when I came into more shamanistic practice to shamanistic principles. Having met an American indigenous medicine man who told me that the Filipinos also had powerful medicine. It was a step in the right direction. It encouraged me to go further into this calling and then that’s when I looked up the history. There were four types of people in the days when the Spaniards were colonizing the country. We still have many islands, about 7,000. We were so many people, different people but in some, there were four categories. One was a chieftain, one was the Manghihilot, which is like your modern day neuromusculoskeletal doctor or your chiropractor.

One was the Albularyo, that’s like the herbalist. The one that makes medicine from plants and concentrates on healing food like food alchemy. The third one was the Babaylan, which is the spirit healer. This Babaylan had to be a woman and she can enter the spirit realm. She was what we would consider Shaman. Those are the four categories of people that the Spanish church was going after, killing and murdering because they didn’t want any competition or anything to question the church that they were forcing everybody to go under. It was either you change your religion or off with your head. It was an interesting, profound revelation that I had. I feel that sometimes this calling within me is so strong to revisit that something within me, something in my DNA that’s waking up. It’s like cellular memories. Maybe an ancestor of mine in my lineage was probably either a Babaylan or a Manghihilot or even an Albularyo. I feel that there’s that calling to revisit and explore that, awaken and activate it within myself. That’s how my journey led to indigenous medicine and also offering that in the future in our office.

That’s quite a journey. It’s wonderful to know that that is available.

In fact, in the world globally, there’s such a strong shift. I’m sure you probably have felt that women are rising into leadership, women are rising into power. Women are gathering to make changes that will heal the planet. It is the women that are so special because of our connection to the Mother Earth and our ability to create life within us. For a long time in terms of this energetic shift, the world has been very dominated by the male energy. While there’s a yin and a yang, there’s a male and a female. There’s a time of creation and destruction. It has ruled for far too long. That’s why we see so many wars. That’s very male energy, destruction. Now the feminine power, the feminine energy is rising again to correct. It’s a reminder to return back to the Earth and to return to the ancient wisdom. It’s women who are bringing it out. It’s an amazing time to be living in and witnessing all of these changes. I’m sure you’ve heard of #MeToo Movement for equality for women and it’s an amazing time.

Ancient Wisdom: Women are rising into leadership, women are rising into power.

I also have a movement too. It’s Asian Women of Power Live Life Loud. It’s time for us to have our voice to speak out, stand up, step up and live our life the way that we want to, not the way that other people are expecting of us. 

I would say that the Philippines is a uniquely positioned country with regards to the male and female because we’re so matriarchal. Many of our presidents were women. I feel that in comparison to other Asian countries that definitely would exhibit more patriarchal. The Philippines do hold the respect for women for quite a long time, but it needs to be where we can elevate it more and in a healthy way.

What were the best moments during the Acupuncture at Sea program? 

I would say one of the best moments that I had managing the Acupuncture at Sea program was to be assimilated into the Spa Department. Before all that, I was 25 years old, just freshly licensed, graduated, and so forth. I lived my life very simply. Being on board the ship, being next to the spa, I was immersed into a whole new world of aesthetics like beauty treatments, massage galore of all kinds. We even had a gold facial and oxygen facial. I was always in this spa department, I got to experience, I would say close to $3,000 to $5,000 worth of spa treatments and that was so much fun. I laugh about it sometimes because I experienced my first wax and I never had a wax done before. It was so strange, new and frightening. I also experienced my first gel nails and that was new and exciting. I also experienced my hair being done so amazingly by this South African barber and hairstylist. He was terrific. I would say those are one of the best highlights on board the ship. Off the ship was the excursion. All of my connections on board the ship, I was able to experience close to $3,000 to $5,000 of excursions for free because I was representing the ship every time. That was the greatest experience I had when I had this career.

What were the most challenging things that you have to deal with during that time?

I would say because as a healer, you go into the field to help people. However, in the cruise ship industry, everything is revenue based. It’s not enough to just be a great healer. You have to have your numbers up, you have to sell. You have to increase the services, increase the sales of your products. I would say that one of the challenges was how to get more patients to come into the spa, to come into acupuncture and to upsell. I quickly learned and I was recognized as the number one acupuncturist in the entire fleet. I did learn very quickly, but I would say that was my challenge.

I understand that because during those cruise ships, you have a very short time with a patient. It’s very hard to see the results that you generated. Most of the time they come to you because of the urgency that they cannot deal with. That’s why they seek for help. 

Regarding seeing results, we saw results immediately. Acupuncture and healing during your vacation is the best time to receive it because you’re outside or away from provocative factors that cause diseases, mainly stress. You’re there healing, having fun, sleeping, enjoying. With my patients on board the ship, I had tremendous results because they came in at least every other day or every day in fact. I did work with itineraries that lasted seven days and fourteen days. I had a pretty good amount of time working with patients while they were on the cruise together with me.

Are you proud to be a Filipino-American?

I am. I would say that being a Fil-Am has brought in a lot of challenges but also a lot of blessings. We have a very strong philosophy of Bayanihan and that means coming together and helping each other. There are some negative stereotypes that we continue to address and break. One of the stereotypes would be to stop comparing what we have as Filipinos as lesser to other countries and to start seeing that what we have is quite superior. Meaning to say that with all of the American impressions, American brands, we always as Filipinos back in the motherland think, “That is so much better than what we have.” In actuality, even when it comes to products, the American products have so much toxins, chemicals and then you have something that has always been there. It’s hard to appreciate sometimes, but those are as good, effective, organic and healthier. We need to, as Filipinos, see that our culture, our heritage, our products, our medicine, is as good, if not better.

What Filipino traditions or customs do you want to keep? 

There’s this positive way of being when we are together, so the word Bayanihan. If more Filipinos are able to correctly understand it and practice it and live it, we would be a stronger community. Very much like the Chinese community in terms of how they flourished in this country and in business. We can even see that example within the Korean communities in which they do business with each other. If more Filipinos lived in that and would help other Filipinos instead of putting them down, crab mentality type, we would flourish as a community. Since the Chinese arrived, the Filipinos were here and had the presence as well.

Interestingly enough, in terms of business, we are still not quite up there with the Chinese or the Koreans because of the way in which we do business with each other. If we’d support our communities more as they do, we would have more of a fighting power in terms of world economy, business economy, etc. These are some of the things that we’re addressing in the Filipino American Chamber of Commerce in San Diego where I’m currently serving as Vice President. We want to model healthy business practices that other ethnic or Asian cultures are doing for their communities.

Ancient Wisdom: If we support our communities more, we would have more of a fighting power in terms of world or business economy.

Asians need to work together and support each other. We don’t have to compare with the Americans because we have something that’s valuable that we can contribute to society. How important is it for you to speak Filipino and understand Filipino culture?

It definitely is important because the language is the culture. If more of Filipinos get to practice and speak the language, they can start understanding more of the cultures inherent to the language and the understanding of the people who speak the language, so it’s very important.

How many dialects are there in the Philippines? 

We do have several hundreds and it depends because if you go up the mountains, a dialect can change. If you go down the river, the dialect can change and if you go to another island again, the dialect changes. We have more than 7,000 islands. For the most part, the main language is Filipino, Tagalog, and in the Visayan region, we have Bisaya. In Cebu, where I came from, it’s Cebuano. I speak both.

Tell us more about your current projects and awards.

I will be flying to London and I will be recognized there with an award from the Global Filipina Women’s Network. This is a prestigious award called the Most Influential Filipino Woman award under the category of Emerging Leaders under 35 years old. For my age bracket, I fulfilled their requirements. I was nominated by an amazing friend of mine in our Filipino American Chamber of Commerce, Kristine Custodio. I was then selected and I am so looking forward to meeting the crème de la crème of global Filipino women who will be there to join as well.

Congratulations. You are making the Filipino-American proud. 

Thank you. It’s time that more of the conscious, mindful, holistic, healthy living and promoting healthy lifestyle Filipino women, get up and recognized because we need our message to be shared with all Filipinos worldwide. We need to continue to remind people that health is an inside job and that preserving health, wellness and prevention is about thinking well, eating well and moving well. Therein lie the benefits and the philosophy of chiropractic.

We feel that when it comes time to the topic of subluxation or vertebrae out of alignment, causing disease and lack of function, it is caused by those three things. Autosuggestion, negative thoughts, are caused by moving well. If you’re not moving well, it’s from trauma, accidents and injury to the physical body. The third being eating well and you could be eating toxic things. Toxicity plays a factor. There’s a lot of overlap and it definitely is congruent to the chiropractic philosophy.

I noticed more and more, it’s not the traditional doctor but health providers like you, chiropractor, acupuncture, health coach and other health-related service people who focus more on the holistic aspect. It’s not just one thing that you can do to have a healthy body or a healthy life. A healthy life requires mental, physical, as well as emotional. 

Spirit for sure because we are spirit beings. That’s one of the biggest things that I teach my patients. Oftentimes, when they come into the office, I see that many of their diseases are connections with the spirit dysfunction, spiritual intrusions, a lot of spiritual blockages. Then it manifests in the physical plane as pain and aches. There’s always some kind of connection. I haven’t seen a patient yet that doesn’t have anything in terms of spiritual disconnects. This is exactly why we also have to take care of our spirit bodies often.

When you talk about a spirit, what do you mean by that? 

There are different planes and the one that we see readily right now is the physical plane, it’s the natural. There is the unnatural. There’s even a supernatural and that’s where spirit lies. In fact, a lot of energy medicine also lie there. That’s why sometimes science or modern medicine would have a hard time accepting a lot of the things that we do as energy medicine practitioners because they can’t quite understand or sometimes even have challenges quantifying. That’s what science is, that you can quantify. In terms of energy and spirit, sometimes it’s something that science cannot capture because it’s on a different plane. In terms of spirit, we have to understand that this realm that we live in, we are metaphysical. On the subject of health and disease, much of our ailments come from those metaphysical imbalances.

You say that you can tell somebody who walks into your office that their spirit is out of balance without talking to them.

Oftentimes, I can and the more that I know of the patient, their history, their lifestyle, what goes on in terms of their thoughts and how they communicate to me or even to their self, I can understand even more.

I’m into that thing. I haven’t seen the spirit yet, but I know that the angels, the higher spirits and other beings are around us and with the human eyes, we cannot see it. 

That’s why we have to work continuously and improve and meditate and thereby enhancing that third eye. Through the third eye, we can then see. I feel a lot of it and it’s still a part of my journey to improve that in terms of seeing. We can all see and it makes me so upset. I’m so passionately frustrated at times when I think of how the system might be controlling this world. It wants to suppress us and oppress us because we are powerful beings. They do not want us to know that because if the world knew how powerful we as humans are, we would no longer be in bondage to money and work. We would be instead improving ourselves and our connection to other humans, other beings and with the Earth. It’s so systemic the way the brainwashing is in terms of the systems that be. There are so many things that we can talk about this topic alone.

Imagine if none of us have to worry about money, about day-to-day things, about foods and things like that.

Ancient Wisdom: Organic is the way to treat the Earth.

The concept of we cannot feed the world on organic is a lie. It is such a lie because organic is the way to treat the Earth. We do not want to poison the Earth because we’re so attached to the Earth and we feed from the Earth. Why would we want to poison ourselves? The notion of using agricultural chemicals to make food better is a lie as well. It’s capitalistic, for profit, for business, for disease. The Big Pharma, Big Food, Big Government, they’re all in it together. They’re all in cahoots and it’s sad. The business is in creating sick citizens and we need more people to wake up from this dream that we’re all in. It’s very much like the movie, The Matrix. We all need to wake up. We need to unplug from the system. You might have also heard more about Green Living and Tiny House Movement. We have a lot more Millennials that are having a hard time living and making money so they are mostly the ones leading the way in this Tiny House Movement. Our cities are found upon that. There’s an article I read where they will penalize someone who’s even trying to make the effort to be sustainable. Go green or off grid, that’s not something they want because they can’t make money off you.

It’s terrible the way the system is, but as more people awake, then the system will lose their ground, they will lose their stronghold. That’s something that they’re fighting right now. We call TV the devil vision because you’re watching basically a vision of someone else instead of living your vision. You have to be mindful of what you’re watching because the eyes are portals, they are the entry to your mind. Much of what everything is in terms of our reality is disciplining of the mind and that stronghold, how to control the mind.

Oftentimes, people who are sitting on their butts all day watching TV, eating junk food and they’re getting vaccinated, fluoridated, illuminated and medicated, they are controlled. They’re docile, they don’t ask the system, they don’t think to question. The people who are opposite of that are the ones who are waking up. They’re ringing the alarm bells, calling people to wake up that there’s something wrong. That’s also part of the shift globally that’s happening.

What is your advice to the Asian women who are reading this?

My advice would be to live in your authenticity. It’s about you living in your wholesomeness, whatever that may mean to you. It’s not about what others will impress upon you or expect of you as an Asian woman. It’s living in that light and showing that light to others. The confidence as well as continuing to help others shine their light too.

Where do you want our readers to go to, to find out more about you and your company and the project that you are passionate about? 

Our website is Luib Health Center. From there, we have regular blogs of our philanthropy projects, whether that’s going to the Philippines and other countries and doing medical missions. We do feature that there. For those who are seeking help, you can reach us on our website as well and be able to make appointments for Telemedicine, if you’re not able to come into the office. We also are on LinkedIn, on Instagram and on Twitter. On Instagram, I have two pages that I’d like to get more people to follow and that being @TimeToEatWithDrCat, it talks about healthy eating and where food is coming from. I grow a lot of it. I am a green thumb doctor as you would say and I promote organic living. On that Instagram page, @TimeToEatWithDrCat, you will see a lot of amazing healthy foods and images that can inspire you to feed and eat better and nutritiously.

Another Instagram page that I have is @HealthAndBeautyWithDrCat. That page is about how we can continue to promote beauty from the inside out and not from the outside in. We also offer cosmetic acupuncture and herbal medicinal. In that Instagram page, you’ll see we utilize also stone medicine. It’s something that’s very ancient. Mother nature is something that we source these from, the Earth. You’ll see that on our Health and Beauty with Dr. Cat Instagram page.

Thank you for being here with us, Dr. Cat. We’re looking forward to connecting with you again in the near future and best wishes on your journey. 

Thank you.

For our readers, what is your takeaway from this episode? We want to hear from you. If you enjoyed this podcast, please subscribe, review and share the link to this podcast on your social media and tell a friend. We appreciate your support. Until next time, live life loud.

Links Mentioned:

Episode Quotes

"My cellular memory was evoked and awaken."

"Return to ancient wisdom."

"Live in your authenticity and wholesomeness."

"Stop to compare we as lesser."

"Language is the culture."

"Through the third eye we can see it."

"TV is the devil vision."

About Dr. Catherine C. Luib

Born and raised in Cebu City, Dr. Cat has a special place in her heart for the Philippines and Filipinos worldwide. As a dually licensed Chiropractor and Acupuncture Physician of Luib Health Center, Dr. Cat is here to holistically serve the Mental, Emotional and Physical health needs of the communities around her. She partner’s with Entrepreneurs/Business Owners who are having challenges with stress, sleep, weight, pain or performance. She is grateful for the epic career experience with the Celebrity Cruise Line and Royal Caribbean Cruise Line as their Onboard “Trail Blazer” Acupuncturist, managing the Acupuncture At Sea Program. Afterward, she continued promoting the Holistic Health message with Radyo Filipino Amerika in her own live radio show “Ask The Doctor,” as a weekly columnist for The Filipino Press Newspaper, contributor of Affinite Magazine, Life By Design Magazine and Pinoy Sa America Magazine. She teaches that “Health Is An Inside Job” and encourages all to “Think Well, Eat Well and Move Well.” She promotes the Organic Living Movement, Mindfulness, Detoxification, Ketogenic Transformation Programs and delicious healthy foods through her Facebook/Instagram as “TimeToEatWithDrCat.” Her current specialty is in Cosmetic Acupuncture for Beauty & Weight loss, also on Facebook/Instagram as “HealthAndBeautyWithDrCat.”

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